I have a kid who I love to pieces. A teenager, I love working with this pt. My friend has made such tremendous steps since I first saw a session, it is incredible. Today... started off a little rough.
The session began a little late because pt. was upset (understandably so and totally normal) about being in the hospital. It sucks having a TBI and being stuck in the hospital away from you friends and you can't convey what you want to say because of this pesky little thing called aphasia. The PT I was working with kinda led the first interaction with this pt, so she gave him some time to calm down before therapy. We started with him selecting a song from the ipod to listen to while he walked on the treadmill. Slowly he started bobbing his head to a Lil Wayne song (very slightly). Soon he was ready for another tune, and selected one that he picks a lot: "Blame It" by Jamie Foxx. You could tell as he was walking that he started singing it in his head a little. His hands started moving to the beat, and that carried through his whole body and demeanor. THEN we hear from someone working with another pt in the gym, who had not been a fan of therapy today, to turn it up so this kid could sing along. No more talking about the pain this pt was in, it was all about this song for a few minutes. One of my other friends in the gym stated singing along too, and it was just a little jam session.
From there, my pt. was in a better mood (not all bright and smiley) and decided he would like to do some drumming. Now we know he has access to a CD player, and naturally I put this song on the CD I burned for him.
So this is my "thank you" to Jamie Foxx for releasing such a ridiculously catchy song that it got one of my pts. to feel a little better and want to do some therapy AND got all the other kids in the gym to sing along. From all of us in the MT department at my hospital, thank you Jamie Foxx, thank you.
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