Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Two posts in one day? Ridiculous! But really. I decided that the remembrance ceremony needed its own post.

Today during rest hour was the remembrance ceremony. We had it in the tree house. This is where anyone who wants to can go and remember people in the Camp Sunshine family who died this past year. It starts off with a reading of the names of all those who are no longer with us. After that, campers and staff alike are invited to share memories that they have of the people we are remembering.

Is it sad? Yes. There is a time to be professional, and for me it is NOT during the remembrance ceremony. I wish I could be one of those people who didn't cry during something like this but, alas, I am not. I am that person who starts to cry when other people start to cry, and once I start I can't stop. What really gets to me though, is the kid who you would never expect to cry barely being able to get through their memory because they are so choked up. These campers are remembering friends, the staff are remembering campers, friends, patients, etc. And even though it is sad, this ceremony is such a release. Not only do I cry because I am sad, but also because I am happy I got to know these people. I miss my friends, but I am also glad they don't have to deal with all the cancer and hospitals and doctors that they were.

While people are telling their stories about their friends who have passed, we pass around a treasure chest full of stone hearts with a hole in them. Some kids put them on their bracelets, some just hold them, some like me put them all on a necklace. They are just another way to represent how you are feeling.

Every ceremony ends with the pueblo blessing:

Hold on to what is good...
Even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe...
Even if it is a tree which stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do...
Even if it is a long way from here.

Hold on to your faith...
Even when it may seem easier to let go.

Hold on to my hand...
Even when I have gone away from you.

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