Sunday, June 6, 2010

silly band diary

who hasn't heard of silly bands???? no one? good. EVERYONE has them here at camp and a lot of us trade or give them to campers. I decided today that I am going to record where my silly bands go, what i end up with, and what others give. woo!

kudzu day 1:
  • I started with a dollar sign (my absolute FAVORITE), a rabbit, a hook, and a crown. After opening ceremony I traded the dollar sign for an elephant with one of my campers whose sugar was high
  • Somehow Caley managed to get the coolest silly band ever: a kite! he got it from a camper who traded the kite for caley's unicorn
  • becca b (my co-parent for this week) gave one of her silly bands to a camper in our cabin because she didn't have any. yay becca!!
  • my other roommate hannah had the "groovy" pack, and she gave me the love and peace silly bands!
that's all for now! it's going to be interesting to see where all my silly bands end up and what i finish the summer with!

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